Low back pain is a pain that tends to occur in the lower part of the spine and is often referred to as “back pain”; sometimes the pain tends to radiate to one leg or both, giving rise to lumbosciatalgia.
The causes are many, some strictly related to a problem of the spine (such as arthrosis, herniated discs), others, however, can be caused by direct or indirect trauma (such as “whiplash”), fractures, or wrong postures (posture work, bed that is too soft), stress, poor physical activity and excessive body weight, or from improper movements (lifting weights incorrectly).
We can distinguish two types of low back pain (which can be repeated cyclically over time):
acute, (and sub-acute) characterized by pain that can evolve spontaneously within a few weeks with the aid of anti-inflammatory drugs and position of discharge of the spine (with resolved “acute” episode it would be useful to carry out a course of physiotherapy and plan a preventive physical activity);
chronic can be subject to re-exacerbation and is characterized by pain that persists for more than six months and occurs cyclically and interspersed over time by frequent episodes of “witch’s stroke” that cause the sensation of tearing or such violent burning to force the subject not to be able to get upright. It is also common for the patient to report the sensation of feeling “crooked” (hanging on one side) and this happens as a natural and unconscious (analgesic) defense of the muscular structures of the back so as not to further stress the affected area.
Sometimes the symptoms can be so disabling as to make daily or work activities difficult or completely block, forcing the patient in the most serious cases to a position of unloading and rest in bed. At this point, not only pharmacological and physiotherapy therapy is necessary, but also a specialist consultation and targeted diagnostic tests (CT scan, MRI, x-ray electromyography).
The rehabilitation process must be performed by experienced and qualified people who consider the patient’s needs by specifically choosing the therapy to be performed for both curative and preventive purposes.
In fact, in our center we can intervene with the help of physical means (tecar, energy pulse, laser, ultrasound, antalgic currents), massage therapy, vertebral mobilization and osteopathic treatments, (especially in the acute and sub-acute phase of low back pain). Even in the chronic phase we can perform the same therapies with the addition of back school, postural gymnastics and motor re-education to rebalance the various posture dysfunctions.
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