Physical therapy is the branch of medicine that uses physical energies for therapeutic purposes. numerous pathologies.
Physical energies are a valid therapeutic tool of rehabilitation medicine. They have found a wide use in numerous pathologies thanks to the positive effects produced, the few contraindications and the possibility of use in association with other therapies. In fact, treatment with physical means rarely arises as a unique and exhaustive tool in the planning of a therapeutic rehabilitation program; usually it integrates and completes a work plan based mainly on the various kinesitherapy and manual techniques, which represent the indispensable operational support.
The physical energy that last became part of the therapeutic baggage of physical therapy is magnetic energy. Low and very low frequency electromagnetic waves are used in therapy, which can penetrate to the deepest tissues without overheating as would happen with high frequencies, allowing to exploit the mechanical and magnetic effects of the waves without thermal effects.
A magnetic field influences the orientation of all the ferrous ions and all the paramagnetic substances contained in its range of action. In a living organism, for example, calcium ions, molecular oxygen, free radicals, etc. can be influenced by a magnetic field.
Devices that generate magnetic fields became part of the therapeutic tool of physical therapy after 1970; they are currently very widespread thanks to their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and biostimulating action determined precisely by the mobilization of these substances.
The biological changes induced by magnetic fields on biological membranes, cells and vessels determine the following therapeutic effects:
- anti-inflammatory effect, rebalances the membrane potential
- stimulating effect on tissue repair, facilitates the transport of oxygen
The main indications of this therapy are:
Recent fractures and delays in consolidation (magnetic fields, by stimulating osteogenetic activity at the level of the fracture gap, accelerate the consolidation time of the fracture)
Osteoporosis (especially in the low turnover form)
Arthropathies of an inflammatory and degenerative nature
The use of magnetotherapy is always contraindicated in the presence of:
Pace-maker, Neopalsias, Pregnancy
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