Neck pain indicates pain in the cervical tract and can constitute, despite its benign character, a serious disturbance for the patient. Due to its peculiarity (mobility), it allows the orientation of the head in space and consequently the coordination of movements.
The causes of cervical pain can be positional in origin as in the case of postures assumed for long period of time (for example staying for a long time in front of the computer, watching TV lying on the sofa or even in bed), or can be the cause of traumatic effects such as ” whiplash “or distortion, sports trauma, fractures, arthrosis, herniated discs.
The evolution of neck pain in terms of healing can range from the spontaneous resolution of the symptoms in a short time, if the extent of the disorder is as mild as a simple inflammation (stiff neck), to a more targeted treatment, in the case of persistent and painful neck pain, which causes limitations of movement of the neck, with muscle spasms of antalgic defense. This can be disabling for the patient in some daily activities such as reversing in a car.
The treatment of neck pain is targeted according to the needs of each individual patient and in relation to his symptoms and the problem that caused this dysfunction. It is possible to intervene using various techniques, such as physical therapies (tecar, energy pulse, antalgic currents), manual treatments, osteopathic treatments and postural gymnastics; maintenance exercises can also be prescribed to the patient to consolidate the results achieved.
A pathology of the cervical tract can have wider effects and consequences than the same pathology along the lumbar or dorsal tract.
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